Real-World GOLF 2008 | Gotta-Grip Golf Blog

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Real-World GOLF 2008

On Monday, October 25 1999, I arrived at O’Hare Airport in Chicago in time to catch my flight, which was heading to Omaha, NE. It was a typical Monday morning (pre-September 11, 2001), so getting to the airport lacked distinction, with the exception of a report on the radio that a plane had perhaps been hi-jacked with a celebrity on-board.

I believe (going from my memory) that the early reports inaccurately, and with sketchy details, alluded to a suggestion that a rock star was involved.

During the 1-hour flight, which was on a beautiful fall morning in the Midwest, I remember looking out the window and thinking about the report, I had heard earlier, wondering who it was and what happened.

Little did I know that the flight I was on would be one of the last for several hours, which was not diverted. As it turned out, we would not be delayed due to the “runaway” plane with professional golfer Payne Stewart aboard. There were five others with him as they headed directly towards [what would have been] intersecting our flight path over central Iowa.

We all know the tragedy that became of this flight, which resulted in six souls, including Stewart, perishing that day in a field after the plane with its incapacitated crew, & passengers finally ran out of fuel—tumbling to the earth.

I feel confident to say that if anything could have been done to save them, as the military, and ground radar followed the flight, it would have been. I think we would all have wanted to change the outcome if we could.

I suppose it is with that as a backdrop, that I wonder how those close to John Daly must feel watching him (if reports are correct) careening out of control at this point in his life. I also (based on experience), know that intervention is what might be needed to save his life.

I feel that the recent statements by Butch Harmon telling Daly to “get help” should not only be applauded, but others in the industry might choose to become more involved in intervening on John Daly’s behalf.

It is sad that the spectacle of Mr. Daly’s troubles seem to be what the media is after…"Daly seen drunk in public; Daly a no-show for Palmer; Daly Plays Golf Without Shirt" etc.

I hope those that can reach this aircraft we call the "Daly Express" in time, decide to help get it down without incident. He is a great player and he is good for the game when he is well.

John…Listen to those who care about you…You are clear to land when ready!

The Gotta-Grip team