The Golf Channel meets "JackAss", Or a Felony?...You Decide | Gotta-Grip Golf Blog

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Golf Channel meets "JackAss", Or a Felony?...You Decide

We make a point of writing positive golf stories on our golf blog, and on our web site. We also post the "related videos" at the bottom of our blog that rotate though various types of golf-related scenes. Below is what I would call JackAss meets The Golf Channel

This one caught my eye (and easily could have "cost" the subject his eye, even his life).

I think the title of this post says it all...Warning, this video is disturbing!!

I only have one question (if this was real)...How Dumb Can Some People Be?

Like a friend of mine says, "Ignorance can be fixed—stupid is forever!"

Your thoughts???

These two definitely don't gotta-grip!